
Posts Tagged ‘India’

Pretty good. I like Indian food so it's odd th...

Pretty good. I like Indian food so it’s odd that I eat it so rarely. There’s even a restaurant within walking distance. Hmm… (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I met up with a marketing friend of mine the other day. She was discouraged by the lack of results from their marketing. She is writing articles everyday about marketing and how to do things better. All are in an effort to attract readers who would become customers for their business opportunity.

“I hate the results I am getting,” she said. “I am thinking of some drastic measures and keywords to attract customers.”

“Oh,” I responded. “What kind of keywords? After all, you have an online business opportunity. I’m intrigued as to what keywords you want to use.”

She looked at her shoes, a bit embarrassed and shy. It took her a few times to start.

“I thinking of keywords that get lots of searches. Something like ‘the best anal sex’ or ‘the webs best kinky’ or something like that. I’ve used the Google search tools and sex sells. Even on the Internet!”

I was taken aback a bit. My friend was not the type to talk about sex in public, especially anal. I felt my cheeks go flush a bit. Now I looked at my shoes.

“Well,” I said a bit sheepishly. “Why do you think keywords about anal sex will work?”

“Because of the traffic they generate! I mean, it will bring in scores of hits.”

“Yes, and what will people find will they arrive at your site? Will they find discussions about anal sex or toys or how to videos? I thought you had a marketing education business opportunity?”

“I do. That’s what is at my site. But the traffic! I mean, all the hits!”

“And what do you think people will do when they find out your site has nothing to do with sex? How quickly will they leave?”

“Probably almost immediately.”

“How will that drive sales?”

We walked in silence for a few more blocks. My friends excitement waned a bit. She knew her idea was not a good one. Yes, she needs more traffic, but she needs the right traffic.

“The business you have is good,” I said as I broke the silence. “But you are experiencing the problem with copying the pros. They made their sales and have the deep pockets to get their articles on hundreds of sites. That is why they rank higher than you will. On your site, is every article about marketing?”

“Just about. Every once in awhile I find something else to write about, but it is rare.”

I knew my friend had more interests than making money. She loves to cook and is very good at it. I made an attempt to steer the conversation that direction.

“Tell me about your hobbies.”

“You know I love to cook, especially Indian recipes.”

“Do you ever share this love? Perhaps give tips on making butter chicken or share your favorite recipes, complete with tweaks?”

“No, why would I?”

“Because that is your niche. That is what you know. That is how you can be different. Imagine attracting readers with recipe and restaurant reviews. Image readers responding to cooking tips. Imagine those readers going to places you recommend and telling the waiter that they came because of you. That will make your site unique in the huge world of the Internet. Then you would have a chance to get those business owners to ask you about marketing. Now you have the customer traffic you really need. Not some gimmick like trying to work the phrase ‘have hot anal sex’ into an article. Real traffic, real results.”

My friend stopped and looked at me. A smile had come to her face. I could see the epiphany in her eyes. The only thing missing was the light bulb over her head.

“Of course. My story. My life. Who I am. You are so right. Sure, Gregg Davision’s story is about being an incredible salesman as that is who he is. Andrew Cass, Michael Force…all those guys. Sales is what they did before and what they do now. I’m not a saleswoman. I’m a cook! And a damn good one too!”

She slapped my arm and walked on, talking to herself about all the ideas for articles she suddenly had. My friend is well on her way to a new life.

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