
Posts Tagged ‘Sleep’

Greater Swiss Mountain Dog puppy sleeping.

Greater Swiss Mountain Dog puppy sleeping. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I puppy dog woke me up this morning. It had not been a good night for sleeping and I wanted to sleep in till 6am. The puppy had other plans and started to whine a little before 5am. After 20 minutes, my wife insisted I deal with the dog. Here I had the chance to reminder her who wanted the dog and who didn’t. I got up anyway.

Letting both dogs out in the morning has become my chore. It was my before with the other dogs and as each got too old, I was looking forward to the last being gone. The kids sure didn’t take care of them and our carpets are in the of replacing. It is a nice 10 minutes to myself in the morning, even if it starts early. I used it to warm up and get ready for my morning workout. Today I wanted an extra hour. I didn’t get it.

In the rain, head hung low

As I stood on the cold rain, I reminded myself that “Today is Your Day” and Shania‘s song tried to get into my head. I wanted to go back to bed. Surely, I could get this done and head for more sleep. Surely my wife would not be up yet. After all, it is Saturday. Well, not quite.

Once back inside, it was obvious my wife was up for the bed. After all, she was not the one with the bad dreams and issues. She didn’t keep waking up. She slept. My daughter was upset too as the puppy tends to pester her more than anyone else. I told her mommy was not in bed and she could have her spot. All I wanted was more sleep. I turned the alarm to 6:30 and got back in bed.

More sleep, more lethargy

A bit later, the alarm went off. Snooze.

A few minutes later, the alarm went off. Snooze.

Alarm. Snooze.

Alarm. Off. After all, there is enough noise, I’ll get up.

Eventually, I was able to get up. It was past 8am. My body was screaming for protein. Usually by now I’ve had my workout, creatine (Six Star x3) and BCAA supplements and 50g of protein from a shake. Getting up this late, none of that was in my system. The morning workout was not going to be fun.

Up out of bed I went, angry that I had slipped back into an old habit. Too much sleep on a weekend day. NOS supplements in. Soft granola bar to give my stomach something to do. Check mail. Bike to get warmed up. On to weight routine.

The lesson learned

Every weekend that does nor require my immediate presence somewhere has resulted in my return to bed. No more energy was acquired from doing so. Usually I get up feeling worse than before. The best answer to tiredness in the morning is to get moving. Exercise and get the blood flowing. Returning to bed is bad.

When I finally did arise, overcoming this tendency is now placed well in my mind. Well in the front. There it is. One cannot seize their day and they are in bed. Get up!

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